MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 1020: Going Over Changes (1)

Chapter 1020: Going Over Changes (1)


[Your species \'Reforged High Human | True Defier of Fate (3rd Unsealing)\' has been changed to \'Prime Azure Origin | True Defier of Fate (4th Unsealing)\'.]

[As you have transitioned to a higher-level species, you have gained +35 VIT, +35 STR, +32 AGI, +65 DEX, +65 INT, +30 WIS, +38 PER, and +23 LUK.]

Of course, the greatest boost to his stats came from ascending his species, the same as it had been for all of the other ascensions he\'d gone through so far.

However, as he looked at the massive increase in stats the ascension to his species had brought him, Valyr felt that he was only looking at a small portion of the increase itself.

\'I guess I\'ll find that out once I take a look at my new race,\' thought the young man to himself, recalling how much his strength had increased the first time he\'d gotten Reforged High


With that, he moved his attention towards the next few notifications he\'d received from the ascension, all of which talked about the stats he obtained from both his class and subclass.

[Your class \'The First Blacksmith (Ancient - Growth)\' has been improved to adapt to Rank 4 standards.]

[You have gained +6 VIT, +6 STR, +6 AGI, +12 DEX, +12 INT, +5 WIS, +6 PER, and +1 LUK.]

[Your subclass \'Four Paths Azure Warlord (Epic)\' has been improved to adapt to Rank 4 standards.]

[You have gained +4 VIT, +4 STR, +8 AGI, +10 DEX, and +10 INT.]

[You have gained 7 unassigned stat points.]

Adorning a satisfied smile on his face as he looked at those notifications in greater detail, Valyr briefly thought about spending XP to push his level to the peak of Rank 4, similar to what he\'d done back in the inheritance.

Though, just as he was about to ask the system to allocate his unused XP towards that task, the next few notifications under the ones he\'d gone through before caught Valyr\'s eyes, prompting the young man to go over them.

[You have ascended to a higher class rank.]

[Recalculating your total base stats...]

[Converting a portion of your base stats into Points of Aspiration...]

[You currently have 554 Points of Aspiration.]

[Due to this change, all currently allocated Points of Aspiration have been removed. You can reallocate your Points of Aspiration at any time.]

"Wait... over 500 points?" Reading through the notes involving the Points of Aspiration, there were two things about it that caught Valyr\'s attention.

For one, with the amount of stats he\'d gained from the ascension, Valyr calculated that he\'d only gain a few dozen Points of Aspiration because of it.

Yet, contrary to his calculations, he instead obtained 200 points of it, which was roughly two- thirds the original amount he had.

Other than that, he was surprised that he still had something like the Points of Aspiration, considering that the skill was only something those along the path of the human race would have.

Because of that, the young man\'s interest was piqued, slightly grinning as he thought about his new race.

"Now I\'m becoming even more curious as to what kind of race the Prime Azure Origin is," muttered the young man to himself with a slight chuckle, only to restrain himself from checking the race\'s description out soon after in a bid to increase his excitement.

Taking in a deep breath to quell some of the excitement, Valyr then moved onto another notification, only to slightly frown as he noticed that the notification was the only one of its kind on the list.


[You have unlocked the ability to upgrade your skills to the Rare rarity.]

Wondering if he\'d missed a notification or two, Valyr went through the list of notifications he\'d already gone through once more, only for him to confirm the suspicions he initially had.

"I didn\'t gain any skills, huh," said the young man to himself, staring off into the distance as he soon shrugged his shoulders at the thought.

Though obtaining an additional skill seemed like an easy way for one to increase their combat prowess, there was still a couple issues that plagued a new skill, which was its compatibility, as well as its integration in one\'s overall style.

Considering how both his class and subclass were given to him by Divine-level beings, Valyr had no worries that the skills he potentially gained from the ascension were incompatible or were hard to integrate into his current style.

However, if Valyr were to choose between getting a skill or not getting a skill from the ascension, he felt like he would be more inclined towards the latter.

Of course, it wasn\'t as if the young man was averse to the thought of getting a new skill.

If anything, it was because he\'d already formed a solid foundation that encompassed various fields of combat.

Even though he hadn\'t gained a new skill, the fact that all of his skills could be pushed to Rare rarity with skill keys was more than enough to boost his combat prowess by a few notches.

"Then again, even that isn\'t really tempting, considering how I have access to something like the Realm of Myriad Experiences," said the young man to himself, moving on to what looked like the final portion of notifications from the ascension.

With how the first set of notifications tackled stats, while the next portion of notifications, albeit only one, tackled skills, Valyr felt that it was only natural for the final portion to tackle titles.

Fortunately, the final portion did tackle titles.

However, the way it went about doing so was frankly different from his initial expectations.


[You are the only Prime Azure Origin in the universe!]

[Being the owner of a new Origin-type race, you have become the progenitor of a new race!]

[You have obtained the title \'Progenitor of a New Race\'.]

Reading through the last few notifications he had on his screen multiple times, it was only after then did he feel like he understood what the notifications contained.

"So, if I\'m getting this correctly, Prime Azure Origin is a brand new species." Sorting out his thoughts, Valyr thought out loud as the gears in his mind turned. "And being the first person with this species, I\'m now considered the progenitor of a new race."

"..." As those words left his mouth, the young man went silent for a bit, giving himself all the time he needed for those words to sink in.

"Yeah, I think it\'s time to look at it." Feeling like he\'d somewhat accepted the situation the

system had given him, it was only then did Valyr take a look at the culprit in greater detail, his

expression that of anticipation while doing so.

"System, identify my current species."

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