Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen

Chapter 49 - The Duchesss Taste In Pies

Chapter 49 - The Duchess\'s Taste In Pies

I startle when the doors are opened, but the Duke doesn\'t let me get up. He surrounds my hips, keeping his arms on my lower back not to press on the bruise. Even though the bruise is on the front.

I don\'t have time to think about my husband\'s real intentions, because a few maids storm in with the food.

?Oh, dinner!? Alexander exclaims with such a happy face.

I look at my fingers playing with his shirt. I\'m quite embarrassed to be seen in such a position by the help, while Alexander doesn\'t seem to care.

When the maids finish their task, they leave the room after a silent curtsy.

The Duke, however, doesn\'t move a finger to free me from his clench.

?Is my Duchess this hungry?? he inquires when I try to get up.

?No, but it will be a pity if the food cools down,? I utter. From here, I can tell that it\'s of the best quality. Also, the scent is so strong that it means it\'s still hot.

The Duke doesn\'t answer, but he just slips his hands under my chemise. He rubs his lips on my neck until I sigh and sit back. Whatever, as long as we finish this before the food gets cold.

I return to kiss him, and the Duke\'s fingers claw my skin while he takes off my underwear. His movements are impatient, and his breath hits my skin when he whispers my name. As usual, this sweet sound makes me shiver, and I automatically adjust to Alexander\'s moves.

In the end, he did find a way not to inconvenience my wound. Also, he still enjoys our bed-routine way more than me. I don\'t dislike it, but it\'s not something I would go out of my way for. Maybe, just to hear the Duke\'s whispers, from time to time.

I change into a nightgown, and I sit at the table. There is so much food this time. Is it something the Duke requested?

There is some soup in a bowl, but it\'s not fuming so I move my eyes on the rest. Fresh salad and roasted vegetables seem good. There is also a pie and, judging by the colour, I guess it\'s made of meat. On the side, there\'s also a plate with different cheeses and a small bowl of jam. Are those supposed to be eaten together?

I stretch out my hand and reach for the meat pie. I haven\'t decided yet whether I like the pies they bake in the Empire. Sometimes, the taste intrigues me, while sometimes the texture is almost disgusting.

This one is not bad. There are a lot of spices, but the overall effect is balanced.

And it\'s still warm, fortunately. I don\'t need to glare at the Duke for making my food cool down, this way.

He\'s so happy and relaxed that one could never imagine that he just lost his job and was distanced from the crown once more. And that it was my fault for the second time.

I sigh, realising how tolerant Alexander has been with me. I don\'t think that I could do it if I were in his shoes.

?What is my Duchess thinking about so earnestly?? he asks, making me blink surprised.

?About the pie,? I mutter.

?And is the pie to your taste??

I try to smile, but a sudden stitch at my stomach makes me close my mouth. I press a hand on my lips, trying to stop the food from returning up, and I start to run in search of a vase or something.

In the end, I trip on my own feet and vomit right on the expensive carpet in the middle of the room.

?Oh, Thea,? the Duke exclaims, and he runs to me. He holds my forehead and moves some hair away from my face. A few locks slipped from the bun in all this commotion.

When I\'ve emptied my stomach, the Duke carries me to an armchair, and he opens the door to call for the maids. He must be displeased that I ruined his dinner like this.

?How are you feeling?? he asks, then.

I shrug, not knowing how to answer. I have no clue how I\'m feeling.

My stomach now hurts because of the stress of vomiting, and I have this disgusting taste in my mouth. The Duke helps me drink some water, but even that tastes awful.

I\'d just lie down and cry for some time if I could. This is so embarrassing. Did it have to happen right when Alexander was with me?

I see Kate walking in and looking around with suspicion. She observes the table and then the maid that is cleaning the mess. Her eyes don\'t stay on the same object for too long. She analyses the surroundings with keen expression. Even though she\'s young, she has been serving a queen for almost all her life. She learned how to act when something unexpected happens, especially if it\'s related to food, drinks or beauty products.

?Thea, tell me the truth,? Alexander starts, ?were you lying to me when you said you were indisposed, last week??

I shake my head and bite my lip. How could I lie about that? My stomach had been in an uproar for three days straight, and I had headaches one worst of the other. My legs were numb even if I didn\'t do too much activity, and I would have stayed in bed if the maids\' gazes didn\'t burn my skin all the time.

My monthlies abruptly stopped after I was hit in the garden, but I don\'t think it\'s something so unusual. My period had been irregular many times before, especially during crisis times. When my mother died, I didn\'t bleed for months. It happened within the first year after I became an adult, and I suffered a lot when my body went back to normal.

?I won\'t get angry, even if you did,? the Duke continues.

When my disoriented face is too much to bear, he sighs and steps to the sofa. He sits there, still holding my hand.

?Maybe, you just ate something bad,? he mutters, visibly unconvinced.

Before I have time to answer, we hear another person vomiting nearby. When we turn, we see Kate with a flower vase in her hands and a pale expression.

?The pie,? she whispers, noticing our weird stares. ?It was the pie.?

?I ate the pie as well,? my husband points out. ?And I\'m fine.?

?You are also a man, your grace,? my maid points out. ?I\'m not.?

?Are you suggesting that someone poisoned the food?? Alexander voices.

?If your grace wasn\'t affected, I suppose the Duchess was the target,? Kate finishes. ?I don\'t know if the poison is specific for women or if it was on the plate or knife, but her grace, the Duchess, has definitely been in contact with a dangerous potion.?

The girl cleaning the carpet has suddenly stopped working, and she\'s now trembling in fear. She was among those that brought the food in. And now, she\'s fearing the consequences of an attempt at a Duke\'s life.

I\'m sure this one doesn\'t have any fault. This is something you need a reason for, and not just any random maid could pour poison in my food.

Still, who could that be? Most of all, why?

Even if I was the target, that person didn\'t try to kill me. They just delivered some vomiting powder, conveniently when I met with the Duke.

What more, this seems to have an effect only on women. What if it was an aborting poison? Since I\'m not with child, it didn\'t have any effect. It\'s a reasonable theory.

But who would think I\'m pregnant, for goodness?

No, it was probably the opposite: someone wanted the Duke to think that I was. Someone that knew that we haven\'t shared the bed like husband and wife for a while.

And their plan almost worked. If it wasn\'t for Kate\'s reckless action when she tried the pie as well, the Duke would still be thinking that.

Someone is watching me even closer than I thought. Those people know that I hadn\'t been intimate with the Duke, and they wanted to convince him that I had an affair with another man. They\'re dead set to convince my husband to get rid of me, no matter how.

It\'s unsettling that they won\'t try to poison me directly. On the contrary, the schemers prefer to use the Duke as a pawn. Who in their right mind can think that they can manipulate the best strategist of Ephiro?

Is it related to the Emperor, perhaps? I\'ve just come back from the throne hall. That brat also dismissed the Duke and ordered him to stay with me. He knew we would be together.

Is this his way of showing me what happens to those that reject his kind requests?

No, that\'s too forward. The Emperor could have just ordered me to serve him as a counsellor. He doesn\'t need any trick to force a subject to work for him.

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